The Three of Cups [bronze]

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“The Three of Cups represents groups coming together to focus on a common emotional goal. People reach out emotionally to one another. It speaks of a sense of community, and can indicate the time to get more involved by helping. An inner passion for caring may be discovered, and energy put forth toward a goal will be positive and nurturing. It can also signal that this is the time to reach out if things have been particularly rough in the past. It’s important that when the need for support is recognized that action is taken. This is the best time to do that. ” [Wikipedia]

While I personally only read tarot from the Tarot de Marseille of Alexandro Jodorowsky, I really appreciate the beauty of the A.E. Waite tarot deck, whose cards are each a stunning painting full of meanings. This card in particular is absolutely astonishing to me. The symbiosis that emanates from the three characters is splendid and moving.

The tarot image are 3x4cm and the ring bracelet is worn in the middle of the forearm, almost like an armlet. Sorry for the light’s reflect on some photos, this is simply the sun’s reflection in the glass. The opening of the bracelet is approximately 6.5cm wide.

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